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About Me


Hello, my name is Anna Sams I am a visual development artist based in Los Angles

. As a visual development artist, I create stories and worlds through the design of props, environments, and characters. Character design is something I enjoy the most since with each drawing with each expression it feels like the character comes to life and becomes a real person with feelings and fears. 

Even though I find character design the most fascinating, I like creating environments where characters would live in their day-to-day lives for example a magical forest where fairies live or a whole world filled with candy. I enjoy creating props as well, in my opinion, each prop a character interacts with tells a story, for example, a book of spells passed down from a grandmother to a young sorceress. In terms of audience and style, I would say my designs are usually more centered towards slice of life, fantasy shows and usually feature a female protagonist, and are more lighthearted and aimed at a family-friendly audience, while still focusing on having an interesting story and brings awareness to struggles people face. 

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